BBC Media Action would like to share the following report -
In 2019, with funding from Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), BBC Media Action launched the 20-episode audio drama, Aa’rar Kissa (Our Story), to address unmet needs regarding effective information and communication about gender-based violence (GBV) and prevention. The drama was designed for use in listening groups (LGs) and to be broadcast on a weekly basis by local radio partners. It was also designed to be disseminated through the network of over 500 LGs already active in the camps where the displaced Rohingya community live. Nearly two years later, there are still several agencies in the camps who are disseminating the drama to the Rohingya community through LGs. BBC Media Action carried out qualitative research involving people in two camps who had been active in LGs and had listened to the drama, to understand from recent or current listeners what role the drama played in their lives within the context of a LG setting. LGs are one of the key forms of community engagement used by many non-government organisations (NGOs) across the camps.
You can download the report from here.
This research has been carried out in partnership with Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), with funds from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.