[Updated 23 March with consolidated guidance on mitigating fire risk and managing fires]
The winter season brings increased risk of fire as the weather is dry and fires are used to stay warm. These communication products are designed to help agencies accurately and effectively communicate fire risk and precautions; and how people can take action if a fire breaks out in their area of the camp.
[NEW] The Emergency Communication Taskforce of the CwC Working Group has created guidance explaining how to mitigate the risk of fire and manage fires. This is not a list of messages to be read aloud to the community: rather, communicators are encouraged to use this information to support their Communicating with Communities activities.
You may also be interested in Listen Again Programme 46. This is one of the regular radio programmes produced by Bangladesh Betar, designed to be used in listening groups. This particular programme focuses on fire safety, and includes a discussion guide for listener group facilitators
These materials are part of an ongoing series of multimedia outputs being produced by BBC Media Action to enhance the range and quality of tools available to information hubs, listener groups and other community-facing information services within the Rohingya emergency response. The work is being delivered in partnership with Action Against Hunger and IOM; and is funded by Global Affairs Canada, the UK Department for International Development and the US government's bureau of population, refugees and migration.
Audio messages have been funded by UNICEF.
Bangladesh Betar Listen Again programmes are produced with support from UNICEF and BBC Media Action.