BBC Media Action is producing audio podcast – A’aiyo Jani (I know too) - specially aimed for host community people of Bangladesh affected by the Rohingya influx. Each episode is 10-12 minutes long, in combination of a small drama piece along with the discussion with a subject expert designed for using in listening groups, community spaces, mother care group and anywhere else where community members gather. Each episode covers a different theme; mostly focusing on GBV, Mental Health, Non-Communicable Disease, Maternal and Neo Natal Child Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
This episode of A’aiyo Jani focuses on child marriage and features the journey of a young girl who chose to study instead of getting married at a younger age. The episode also features a short drama emphasising how child marriage interrupts a girl's education, followed by a narrator-led discussion with a teacher.
This episode of A’aiyo Jani focused on the negative effects of dowry from a groom’s perspective through a short audio drama. The drama is also followed by a narrator-led discussion with a Kazi (Marriage Registrar) about how this punishable offense still exists in the community and how it hampers people's lives.
This episode of A’aiyo Jani focuses on polygamy. The episode features a short audio drama emphasising the conflict in the family due to polygamy and its negative impact on the children, followed by a discussion with an expert.
This episode of A’aiyo Jani focuses on girls being harassed on the streets by the boys and what physical and psychological impact it could bring to a girl’s life. The episode features a short audio drama emphasising boys changing their attitudes towards girls, followed by a narrator-led discussion with an expert, about what could be done to stop harassment of girls.
This episode features a short audio drama where one teenage girl becomes the victim of cyberbullying and gets help from her friend. This drama is followed by a discussion with an expert about what to do if anyone is harassed in cyberspace and how to minimise the risk of cyberbullying.
Episode 06: Child Marriage and eloping
This episode of A’aiyo Jani is focused on child marriage and eloping. The episode features a short audio drama where two teenage girls go to a fortune teller to find out what will happen if one of the girls elopes and marries the boy she loves. The episode also features a narrator-led discussion with an expert about the early marriage scenario in Cox’s Bazar and the negative consequence of early marriage for both the boys and girls.
Episode 07: Exclusive Breastfeeding
This episode of A’aiyo Jani interviews some lactating mothers about their experiences regarding exclusive breastfeeding. The episode is followed by a narrator-led discussion with an expert emphasising the importance of giving the babies only breast milk until they reach 6 months, the negative impact if they do not get it, and the proper way of breastfeeding.
Episode 08: Complimentary Feeding
This episode of A’aiyo Jani is focused on complementary feeding for babies aged more than six months. The episode starts with a short audio drama where a family is planning to start feeding their 6 months old baby. The drama is followed by a discussion with an expert emphasising that the baby has to be given solid food slowly after 6 months, and at the same time breastfeeding should be continued.
Episode 09: Variety of food during and after pregnancy
This episode of A’aiyo Jani is about the importance of eating a variety of food during and after pregnancy. The episode features the interviews of some pregnant women about their practices, followed by a discussion with an expert regarding the types of food woman should eat during pregnancy.
Episode 10: Role of men in family planning
This episode of A’aiyo Jani contains a short audio drama about why men should be involved in the family planning process. The drama is followed by a discussion with an expert doctor where he elaborates why and how men can participate and contribute to their family.
Episode 11: Benefits of the planned family
This episode of A’aiyo Jani contains a short audio drama that highlights the consequences of the unplanned family. The drama is followed by a discussion with an expert doctor where he explains the benefits of a planned family and when is the right time to adapt any method.
Episode 12: Misperception regarding the family planning methods
This episode of A’aiyo Jani highlights some of the misconceptions regarding family planning methods. Later, an expert doctor busts the misperceptions and explains the available short- and long-term family planning methods.
Episode 13: Safe food (Participatory Cooking)
Safe food (Participatory Cooking) – This episode of A’aiyo Jani is focused on safe food (Participatory cooking) for children who are older than 6 months. The episode features a short audio drama where two mothers discuss the extra food, they need to give their 6 months old children, followed by a discussion with an expert on how to prepare safe and nutritious food for children over 6 months.
This episode focuses on women’s empowerment through the journey of a young woman who becomes a development worker and supports her family. It also covers the importance of a girl's education and careers, even as they support their families.
Episode 15: Parenting without violence | related discussion guide in Bangla
A short drama and discussion highlighting the importance of parenting without violence.
Episode 16: Importance of mental mealth | related discussion guide in Bangla
This episode includes a monologue by an adolescent girl who discusses her mental health followed by a presenter-led discussion about dealing with this situation and the importance of mental health.
Episode 17: Addressing worries about mental health | related discussion guide in Bangla
This episode includes a drama featuring a man struggling with mental health issues followed by a presenter-led discussion about dealing with this situation and the importance of mental health.
Episode 18: Personal hygiene | related discussion guide in Bangla
This episode includes a short drama and an expert on the topic, who discusses the practices which need to be followed to maintain personal hygiene.
Episode 19: Anger management | related discussion guide in Bangla
This episode includes a drama which shows how uncontrolled anger affects mental health, followed by a presenter-led discussion about the importance of anger management.
Episode 20: Drug addiction | related discussion guide in Bangla
This episode focuses on the harmful effects of drug addiction. Following a drama about drug addiction, an expert discusses the harmful effects of drug addiction and how to avoid it.
Episode 21: Gardening | related discussion guide in Bangla
This episode is about the importance of homestead gardening. Followed by a gardener's interview, an expert discusses how homestead gardening can be helpful for the family.
Episode 22: Rickets | related discussion guide in Bangla
This episode features a child who has the symptoms of Rickets. The family has traditional misconceptions of Rickets and can’t decide what to do. The drama is followed by a presenter-led discussion where an expert discusses the symptoms, reasons, and treatment of Rickets.
Episode 23: Selfcare | related discussion guide in Bangla
The leading character in this episode makes fun of those who are looking after themselves but comes to realise the importance of selfcare. The drama is followed by a presenter-led discussion where an expert discusses self-care and its benefits.
Episode 24: Importance of emotion management | related discussion guide in Bangla
This episode features a family incident which provokes all sorts of reactions, leading to conflicts. The drama is followed by a presenter-led discussion where an expert discusses emotion management, i.e., how to manage emotions in real life.
Episode 25: Sadness | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 26: Domestic Violence | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 27: Danger signs for pregnant women | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 28: Importance of ANC | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 29: Importance of facility delivery | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 30: Role of a man to prevent domestic violence | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 31: Role of a man and family members to ensure ANC | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 32: Role of family members to ensure facility delivery | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 33: New born danger sings
Episode 34: Women's participation in decision making | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 35: Nutrition | related discussion guide in Bangla
Episode 36: Child Malnourishment
Episode 37: Importance of a healthy lifestyle
Episode 38: Men's role in ensuring women's participation in decision making
A’aiyo Jani (I Know too) is produced by BBC Media Action in partnership with the International Rescue Committee with funding from the United States Government.