
CXB multimedia: Pregnancy and maternal health

  • By BBC Media Action
  • 07/04/2021

[Updated 7 April 2021 with new factual videos about the importance of antenatal and postnatal checkups, the importance of delivery at a birth facility, what services are available, and the benefits of delivering at the health facility.]

BBC Media Action has developed a series of multimedia products to assist in communicating about health issues in pregnancy. The materials cover self-care advice as well as information about when health services should be accessed, and how.

Materials are primarily designed for use in information hubs or within community spaces and listening groups, but could also be used by agency field staff, volunteers and others working directly with communities. For those community members with mobile phones, the content could be shared directly with them for future reference, using Bluetooth, SD card or other transfer methods.

Preview and download the different content here.

  • [NEW] [7 April 2021] Factual Video (Long) – Rohingya language with Chittagonian speaking midwives – 11’54” – Highlights the importance of antenatal and post-natal checkup including when to come for checkups and what happens during these checkups.  The video also explains the importance of delivery at a birth facility and what services are available when giving birth.
  • [NEW] [7 April 2021] Factual Video(ANC) - Rohingya language with Chittagonian speaking midwife – 04’39” - Highlights importance of antenatal checkups, when to come for checkups as well as details on what happens during an  antenatal checkups. Also, what are the services are available for pregnant women.
  • [NEW] [7 April 2021] Factual Video(PNC) - Rohingya language with Chittagonian speaking midwife – 3’34” – Highlights the importance of post-natal care, what happens during a post-natal checkup, how often you need to come for a checkup as well as what other services are available for post-natal care. 
  • [NEW] [7 April 2021] Factual Video(Delivery) - Rohingya language with Chittagonian speaking midwife – 4’41” – This video highlights the importance of delivery at a birth facilities, what  services are available and the benefits of delivering at the health facility.
  • Factual video - Rohingya language - 10'15" - Covers misconceptions and advice around ante-natal checkups, including a positive case study and advice from a local doctor.
  • Animated video - Rohingya language - 2'10" - Covers key advice about healthy behaviours and practices for pregnant women and their families, including on nutrition, rest, ante-natal checkups and family support.
  • Animated video - Rohingya language - 2'50" - Specially targeted to young women who are pregnant for the first time, covering key advice about health in pregnancy
  • Audio drama - Rohingya language - 7'50" - Drama package featuring a Rohingya family, with key information about maternal danger signs, including when and where to seek treatment.
  • Audio drama - Rohingya language - 5'40" - Drama modeling a Rohingya family whose husband supports his wife to attend an ante-natal check-up. Includes key information about what happens during a check-up and why they are important.
  • Flashcards on pregnancy danger signs for use in face-to-face discussion sessions (with guide text in Bangla for facilitators).
  • Flashcards on ante-natal care and the importance of ante-natal check-ups (with guide text in Bangla for facilitators).

Materials produced and published from 2021 are produced by BBC Media Action in partnership with the International Rescue Committee with funding provided by the United States Government.

The other content is produced with funding from a range of donors including Global Affairs Canada in partnership with Action Against Hunger as well as IOM in partnership with the UK Department for International Development

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