[Updated 12 January 2019 with additional resources]
With community feedback frequently highlighting the need for alternatives to firewood and an increased focus within the response on distribution of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), these communication materials are designed to help the Rohingya community better understand the details of LPG distribution and how the gas can be used safely.
You can download the materials here:
- Animated film (5 minutes in Rohingya language) covering fuel efficient cooking; safe use of LPG; and details of how LPG distributions are organised. Available in high resolution (460 MB) or low resolution (50 MB). An English transcript is also available
- Set of four posters (designed to be printed in A2 size) covering the same topics
- [NEW] Video (8 minutes) from Omera Gas explaining the benefits of LPG and how to ensure safety while using it. Available in Rohingya language (95MB) and English language (96 MB).
- [NEW] Training materials from Omera Gas for community members and safety volunteers, including presentations, posters and leaflets.
- [NEW] Video (10 minutes) from Total Gas giving guidance on the use of LPG. Available to download (80MB) or for streaming via YouTube.
These materials have been prepared by UNHCR, Omera Gas and Total Gas on behalf of the Energy and Environment Technical Working Group.