The following audio-visual materials contain cyclone early warning and preparedness information. The audio-visual materials have been produced targeting the audiences of the cyclone-prone areas of Bangladesh such as Satkhira, Khulna and Cox’s Bazar. Also, these contents target women, girls and persons with disabilities who lack access to valuable and life-saving information during cyclone seasons.
These materials can aid dissemination by a wide range of audiences and practitioners including government organisations, humanitarian and non-profit professionals, volunteers, and CBOs. These materials are suitable for supporting early warning awareness discussions during DRR committee meeting, CBO/CSO meetings and group discussion organised by the humanitarian volunteers. Besides, the audio materials can be used for mic announcements during and pre and post-disaster.
The tools below are NOT suitable for use with the Rohingya community in Cox's Bazar. Different advice applies in that area and tools specifically designed for use with the Rohingya community can be found on a different page.
The videos and audios are available in both high and low-resolution. High-resolution audio and videos are larger in size than low-resolution audio and videos. High-resolution videos are suitable for large screen, low-resolution videos are suitable for mobile viewing. High-resolution audios are suitable for loudspeakers and mic announcements, low-resolution audios are suitable for personal use.
1. Materials specifically on pre-disaster situation and preparedness
- Video explaining the flag systems (flag no 1, 2, 3) and what precautions are needed to be taken before disaster (Bangla language version – High-res/Low-res, Chittagonian dialect version – High-res/Low-res)
- Audio explaining the flag systems (flag no 1, 2, 3) and what precautions are needed to be taken before disaster (Bangla language version – High-res/Low-res, Chittagonian dialect version – High-res/Low-res)
2. Materials specifically on during disaster situation and necessary responses
- Audio for mic or loudspeaker announcement explaining the preparations and immediate actions needed to be taken during the disaster for flag no. 1 (Bangla language version – High-res/Low-res, Chittagonian dialect version – High-res/Low-res)
- Audio for mic or loudspeaker announcement explaining the preparations and immediate actions needed to be taken during the disaster for flag no. 2 (Bangla language version – High-res/Low-res, Chittagonian dialect version – High-res/Low-res)
- Audio for mic or loudspeaker announcement explaining the preparations and immediate actions needed to be taken during the disaster for flag no. 3 (Bangla language version – High-res/Low-res, Chittagonian dialect version – High-res/Low-res)
3. Materials specifically on post cyclone situation and necessary responses
- Audio PSA explaining what kind of important things are needed to be checked and what steps should be taken for first aid, water purification, rescue, clearing road and safe return after cyclone (Bangla language version – High-res/Low-res, Chittagonian dialect version – High-res/Low-res)
4, Inspirational stories (fictional and factual) and case studies
- Audio - Success story of a family who took preparations before disaster and was safe because of their actions taken (Bangla language – High-res/Low-res)
- Video - Inspirational story of a woman who took training from CPP to understand about flag systems so that she can help her neighbours when flags are hoisted (Chittagonian dialect – High-res/Low-res)
- Animated video drama about male informing their female family members about disaster information and planning together pre and during disaster. (Bangla language version – High-res/Low-res, Chittagonian dialect version – High-res/Low-res)
- Animated video drama about a community leader guiding community people during a cyclone (Bangla language version – High-res/Low-res, Chittagonian dialect version – High-res/Low-res)
- Audio drama about males informing their female family members about disaster info and making plans together (Bangla language – High-res/Low-res)
- Audio drama about an Imam guiding community people before disaster (Chittagonian dialect – High-res/Low-res)
These audio-visual materials have been produced by BBC Media Action, as part of the National Resilience Programme implemented by the Government of Bangladesh and technically supported by UN Women, UNDP and UNOPS with funding from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.