[NEW - updated 16 March 2022 with an animated drama on flood]
[Agencies are encouraged to double-check whether the advice and information in older materials is accurate, before making use of them in field activities]
With the onset of the monsoon, landslides, floods and lightning are an increasingly severe risk within the camps. Based on messages endorsed by the CXB Emergency Communications Group, these communication tools are designed to help agencies accurately and effectively communicate different aspects of preparedness.
Key messages:
The audio products above are based on key, core messages collated by the Emergency Communications Group. These core messages are not intended to be distributed directly to affected people, but may be useful for field staff or for agencies creating their own communication materials on the topics of landslide, flood and lightning risks. You can download all the core messages here:
These materials are part of an ongoing series of multimedia outputs being produced by BBC Media Action to enhance the range and quality of tools available to information hubs, listener groups and other community-facing information services within the Rohingya emergency response. The work is being delivered in partnership with Action Against Hunger and IOM; and is funded by Global Affairs Canada, the UK Department for International Development and the US government's bureau of population, refugees and migration.
Audio PSAs about floods produced in 2021 has been produced by BBC Media Action in partnership with Tdh and is supported by UNHCR. The animated drama on flood was produced as part of CwC ‘Common Service’ activities in partnership with the ACF with funding from the ECHO.