
CXB multimedia - Dengue fever

  • By Risk Communication Taskforce / BBC Media Action / Translators without Borders
  • 25/11/2019

The communication products below have been created to help communicate risks and precautions related to dengue fever. They can be used in information centres, outreach staff and volunteers and other setting where direct engagement with communities is taking place.

  • Audio messages for loudspeakers
  • Series of posters for both refugees and host communities, with advice about bite avoidance and reducing mosquito breeding. Posters are in Bangla and English (for host community) and Burmese and English (for refugees).
  • Core messages in BanglaBurmese and English (not for distribution to communities - use these to inform field staff and volunteers)
  • FAQs about dengue in English and Bangla (again, not for distribution, but to help field staff and volunteers have conversations)
  • Festoon / poster with key advice

The media products are based on core messages developed by the risk communication task force which have been endorsed by the Cox's Bazar civil surgeon's office.

You can also download the whole package of materials in one place.

You may also be interested in these more general materials about risks and precautions associated with mosquito-borne diseases.

BBC Media Action's regular podcast for listening groups - Aa'rar Foygam - also includes an episode (episode number 11) focusing on dengue fever.

The audio materials and posters are part of an ongoing series of multimedia outputs being produced by BBC Media Action and Translators without Borders to enhance the range and quality of tools available to information hubs, listener groups and other community-facing information services within the Rohingya emergency response. They form part of the common service for community engagement and accountability, which is delivered in partnership with Action Against Hunger and UNOPS with funding from EU Humanitarian Aid and the UK Department for International Development.

Other materials have been produced by the Cox's Bazar Risk Communication Taskforce

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