
Covid-19 / Coronavirus - communication tools for Rohingya community and host community in Cox's Bazar

  • By Risk Communication Technical Working Group, BBC Media Action, WHO, UNICEF and others
  • 08/09/2022

[UPDATED 08 September 2022 with and audio PSA about the current coronavirus/Covid-19 booster dose vaccination campaign in camps.]

[Agencies are encouraged to double-check whether the advice and information in older materials is accurate, before making use of them in field activities]

The following communication tools are designed to help communication around Covid-19 (Coronavirus). Materials are available for both Rohingya refugees and host communities living in Cox's Bazar.

For materials targeted at the general population in Bangladesh, outside Cox's Bazar, please see this alternative page.


  • Materials on vaccine and vaccination
    • [NEW] [08 September 2022] Audio PSA on the current coronavirus/Covid-19 booster dose vaccination campaign in camps. (2'25" - Rohingya language, also available without music) (BBC Media Action)
    • [03 June 2022] Audio drama - This episode features the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, targeting children aged 12-17.  This instalment covers some of the common misperceptions regarding vaccines. (4'12" - Rohingya language) (BBC Media Action)
    • [03 June 2022] Audio song - This episode features the Covid-19 vaccination campaign, targeting children aged 12-17. This instalment includes general information. (3'51" - Rohingya language) (BBC Media Action)
    • [28 November 2021] Audio PSA - short version - on the upcoming coronavirus/Covid-19 vaccination campaign in camps for people aged 18 years and above. (2'12" - Rohingya language, also available without music) (English transcript for guidance) (BBC Media Action)
    • [28 November 2021] Audio PSA - long version - on the upcoming coronavirus/Covid-19 vaccination campaign in camps for people aged 18 years and above. (3'16" - Rohingya language, also available without music) (English transcript for guidance) (BBC Media Action)
    • [17 September 2021] Audio PSA on the second dose of covid-19/coronavirus vaccination in camps (2'43" - Rohingya Language, also available without music(BBC Media Action) 
    • [16 September 2021] Video PSA on the second dose of covid-19/coronavirus vaccination in camps, featuring a community health worker and an Imam - Rohingya language (BBC Media Action)
    • [12 August 2021]  Audio PSA in Rohingya language with information on end date of campaign and addressing questions and concerns raised during the roll out of the campaign. This includes how to access the vaccination sites or health facility if you have mobility issues and why you need to go to a designated facility for your injection. Click the link for this Audio PSA with music and without music  and transcript of the programme (BBC Media Action) 
    • [08 August 2021] Audio PSA covering basic information about covid-19 vaccine – Rohingya language – available with music and without music  and transcript of the programme (BBC Media Action
  • Materials specifically about masks and other infection control measures
    • [11 July 2021] Audio PSA about the importance of wearing masks, featuring a doctor from the IRC hospital (4'05" - Rohingya Language, also available without music) (BBC Media Action)
    • [26 April 2021] Audio PSA about why masks are important for preventing the spread of coronavirus and how to use them properly, featuring a doctor from FH hospital (6'06" - Rohingya language) (BBC Media Action)
    • [03 January 2021] Audio PSA about why masks are important and how to use them properly, featuring a community infrastructure officer from the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) (3'14" - Rohingya language) (BBC Media Action)
    • [21 June 2020] Flashcards to help explanation about using and caring for masks (pictorial, with Bangla language guidance for field staff) (BBC Media Action)
    • [21 June 2020] Soiyi Hota programme 11 - guidance on using and caring for masks (5'50" - Rohingya language) (also available without music) (BBC Media Action)
    • [18 June 2020] Simple audio announcement about why masks are important and how to use them properly (5'20" - Rohingya language) (BBC Media Action)
  • Materials specifically about religion and religious activities
    • [22 April 2021] Audio PSA providing information and advice on coronavirus prevention and safety measures, featuring a senior Imam from camp- available in Rohingya language (2'57") (BBC Media Action)
    • [24 May 2020] Audio PSA on government directives on Eid prayers - available in Rohingya language (4'26") (Radio Naf 99.2 FM)
    • [24 May 2020] Audio content for loudspeakers, based on government directives on Eid Prayers - available in Chittagonian language (2'30") (Islamic Foundation, DW Akademie and UNICEF)
    • [24 May 2020] Directives on Eid prayers. Issued by Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bangladesh Government - available in English 
    • [17 May 2020] Radio magazine programme 'Shishur Hashi'. episode 23. Topic - Salah and Ramadan during the time of coronavirus. Available in Rohingya language, also useful for host community (17'22") (JHU CCP, Radio Naf 99.2 FM and UNICEF)
    • [13 May 2020] Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bangladesh Government has issued a directive on prayers in mosques in Bangla which has been translated in English by UNICEF and in Burmese by TWB. An audio version of the directive in Rohingya language has also been produced by TWB. Based on the directive a loudspeaker message in Chittagonian language has been designed and recorded jointly by Islamic Foundation, DW Akademie and UNICEF. 
    • [17 March 2020] Audio messages for religious leaders (Islamic Foundation, UNICEF and WHO)
  • Mixed themed materials
    • [16 Aug 2020] Soiyi Hota Programme 19 - Nutrition during Covid-19 (also available without music)
    • [10 May 2020] Radio magazine programme 'Shishur Hashi'. episode 22. Topic - Coronavirus and role of community. Available in Rohingya language, also useful for host community (17'56") (JHU CCP, Radio Naf 99.2 FM and UNICEF)
    • [3 May 2020] Radio magazine programme ‘Palonger Hota’ (Voice of palong), episode 105 (30’00”) (Also useful for host community) (DW Akademie, Radio Naf 99.2 FM and UNICEF)
    • [29 April 2020][ Various posters with information about coping with Covid-19, activity ideas and hygiene tips. (Books Unbound)
    • [27 April 2020] Soiyi Hota ('correct information') - regular short audio series aimed at listening groups or one-to-one engagement (BBC Media Action)
    • [26 April 2020] Live phone-in programme focusing on social distancing and the importance of staying home (25'08" - Rohingya language, also useful for Host community)  (Radio Naf 99.2 FM and UNICEF)
    • [16 April 2020] Audio package with advice from a senior Imam about getting correct information, hygiene and distancing, including references to the Koran and Hadith (9'00" - Rohingya language) (BBC Media Action and UNHCR)
    • [8 April 2020] Posters on personal hygiene, social distancing and self-quarantine - available in Burmese and English (FAO)
  • Materials specifically about rumours and misinformation
    • [27 April 2020] - Soiyi Hota programme 1 - addressing myths around food and 'cures' (BBC Media Action)
    • [13 April 2020] Audio drama series about the rumours surrounding COVID-19 and relevant information about changes in the camp ('Aarar Hal'Hobor' #02 - Rohingya language, English language script available here) (IOM and BCM)
    • [2 April 2020] Audio drama series about the rumours surrounding COVID-19 and relevant information about changes in the camp ('Aarar Hal'Hobor' #01 - Rohingya language) (IOM and BCM)
    • [28 March 2020] Audio package dealing with common myths and misperceptions, featuring a doctor from the civil surgeon's office  (7'00" - Rohingya language) (BBC Media Action)
  • Materials related to older or vulnerable people
    • [5 July 2020] Soiyi Hota programme 14 - Supporting people with disabilities during Covid-19 (also available without music) (BBC Media Action)
    • [25 June 2020] Soiyi Hota programme 12 - supporting older people during Covid-19 (also available without music) (BBC Media Action)
    • [15 April 2020] Audio messages about precautions for vulnerable people - available as short (3'25") and long (4'50") versions - Rohingya language (BBC Media Action)


  • Mixed themed materials 
    • [3 May 2020] Bulletin on Coronavirus (9’01”) (Radio Naf 99.2 FM and UNICEF)
    • [8 April 2020] Posters on personal hygiene, social distancing and self-quarantine - available in Bangla and English (FAO)
  • Materials specifically about handwashing and hygiene
    • [8 April 2020] Infographic/posters on how to handwash properly - available in Bangla (horizontal and vertical format) and English (horizontal and vertical format) (FAO)
    • [17 March 2020] Poster and Leaflet - Bangla (WHO and UNICEF with support from Health, CwC and WASH sectors)
  • Materials specifically about religion and religious activities
    • [24 May 2020] Audio PSA on government directives on Eid prayers - available in Bangla language (2'39") (Bangladesh Betar)
    • [24 May 2020] Audio content for loudspeakers, based on government directives on Eid Prayers - available in Chittagonian language (Islamic Foundation, DW Akademie and UNICEF)
    • [24 May 2020] Directives on Eid prayers. Issued by Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bangladesh Government - available in English and Bangla 
    • [17 May 2020] 
    • [13 May 2020] Ministry of Religious Affairs of Bangladesh Government has issued a directive on prayers in mosques in Bangla which has been translated in English by UNICEF. Based on the directive a loudspeaker message in Chittagonian language has been designed and recorded jointly by Islamic Foundation, DW Akademie and UNICEF. Also, a PSA on the directive in Bangla has been developed by Bangladesh Betar with support from UNICEF.
    • [17 March 2020] Audio messages for religious leaders - Bangla (Islamic Foundation, UNICEF and WHO)

3 - STRATEGIES AND GUIDANCE (not for public dissemination) [Updated 11 May 2020]

  • COVID 19 FAQs (Q&A) - English version: Developed jointly by UNICEF, WHO, BBC Media Action, and Translators without Borders with support from Risk Communication TWG of the CwC WG. This FAQ will be updated/revised and new questions/answers added based on changing context going forward.
  • Key messages on mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) - developed by Risk Communication TWG of CwC WG based on key messages from MHPSS WG, Cox’s Bazar. Translation and audio were done by Translators without Borders (TWB).
    • Key messages for the host and Rohingya community - available in English language
    • Key messages for the host community - available in Bangla language
    • Key messages for the Rohingya community - available in Burmese language
  • Cox's Bazar Risk Communication and Community Engagement Strategy for COVID-19 (Risk Communication Technical Working Group)

  • Key messages developed by the Cox's Bazar Health Risk Communication Technical Working Group and endorsed by the Cox's Bazar Civil Surgeon. There are separate core messages for different audiences - these are not for direct dissemination but have been used to produce the communication tools below:

4 - GENERIC COMMUNICATION MATERIALS - adaptable for multiple audiences

  • IEDCR Poster- Bangla (IEDCR)
  • Infographic / posters on hand hygiene and coughing & sneezing etiquette - available in BanglaBurmese and English (BBC Media Action)
  • Global infographics concerning personal protection - available in Bangla and English (WHO)
  • Global infographics addressing specific myths and rumours - Bangla language - available as PDF and Powerpoint (WHO)

Additional tools are under development and tools will be regularly updated as the situation develops. Please check back to this page regularly for updates.

Globally, the CDAC Network is regularly updating a collection of communication tools and resources. These are not specific to Bangladesh, but may be useful for agencies responding to COVID-19.

Most BBC Media Action communication tools about health aspects of Covid-19 were previously produced by BBC Media Action with funding from the H2H Network, which is supported by the UK Department for International Development and hosted by the Danish Refugee Council. Service-related materials and health-related content produced since 1 June 2020 are part of the common service for community engagement and accountability, which is delivered in partnership with Action Against Hunger and UNOPS and funded by EU Humanitarian Aid and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

Soiyi Hota is produced by BBC Media Action in partnership with Tdh and is supported by UNHCR.

The PSA about wearing masks is produced by BBC Media Action in partnership with Tdh and is supported by UNHCR.

Tools produced by other partners are funded by a range of donors.


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